How do I build an automatic Lorenbahn in Minecraft?


I would like to build a small lorry station in Minecraft (1.13). I've started with a Minecart at the bottom and Armorstands in it and a Minecart on top. (I hope you all know what I mean)

My question is: how can I do that automatically, after a certain time, spawning a new minecart? But only if a player is near the tracks!


Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to post any links, but just give us a hint about the question in Google, or Youtoube. I promise you, you will find it!


But do you know how the order goes that when a player is in the radius of 10 blocks around the track that he betters another command block?


So I have to say in advance that I'm more concerned with Redstone and therefore I do not know the commando by heart. All you need to do is use a comandblock looking for a player and one powered by the first spawning minecrart. If you do not get any further, there are also possibilities to build it without command blocks.

If you are interested you can contact me.


Yes I'm interested! Would be nice if you could explain that to me!