Minecraft: build your own modern survival bunker?


I'm currently extremely into Minecraft hype and actually play it every day. At the moment I only play survival mode and urgently need a secret base or a bunker in a modern form.

However, I'm no longer as experienced as I used to be when I built many cool modern houses. Unfortunately, I have lost my feeling for this over time and years… So I start again at 0 - 100%.

I want to build a huge bunker for me that is relatively large and has a bunch of departments for automatic farms and such. So ask the pros:

What is the best way to put something on your own feet and how can I build something like that? Of course, in a very modern style.


I'm anything but a pro, but I would just go dig and see how it evolves over time. You will get better equipment at some point, you can get quartz and stuff.

I would start with a small 'Stone Age' cave under the ground and a passage for a look so that you can get ores quickly and then you would have to lay it so that you can expand your base in every direction, if you want that.

I hope that was at least a little bit helpful ^ - ^


Yes hehe thanks