How can you program that armorstands can't be used?


We're in the process of programming a lobby system for our Minecraft network. Everything is actually finished, except that armorstands and itemframes can still be accessed by users in the lobby. So you can still swap items with the armorstands, despite the fact that there are all possible listeners with which inventory sorting etc. Is prohibited. Who can help?

LG The team.


public void onInteractEntity (PlayerInteractEntityEvent e) {
e.setCancelled (true);

public void onInteractEntity (PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent e) {
e.setCancelled (true);

I'm not sure anymore, but one of the two is.
Edit: Did the research again, it's the second. So PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent.


Thanks for getting in touch so quickly. I haven't tried it yet, but that sounds logical xD


My network (based on 1.8 PaperSpigot) runs via ViaVersion and Aegis (Waterfall Proxy 1.15), I'm not sure if it's really the event. Could have changed, but very unlikely, for higher versions.


Same, also have PvP network on Spigot 1.8 and Proxy 1.8 Bungeecord


It's just because of spigot I think


Yes, and looked up btw, it's the second one.


If you use VV incorrectly, there may be errors in the protocol. What can damage the paper spigot jar.