Pc restarts while playing (energy saving mode)?


When I play, my PC just restarts… So it is more likely to go into energy-saving mode because the RAM and CPU are still cooler. I then have to type on my keyboard to make it work again, or sometimes turn the pc off and on: / However, the pc only restarts when I play GTA… 3 months ago I played GTA a lot and my pc is up during that time restarted about 5 times a day. Since then I've only played minecraft and Rocket League. So far my PC has never restarted… I have a pretty good PC (16 GB Ram and Rtx 2080 Super Kfa2 OC and Ryzen 7 3700) Why is it that my PC only restarts during Gta? Thanks in advance for the answers. Incidentally, I have a 550 W power supply. Is it because of that? Do you need more electricity in Gta than in Minecraft?


What kind of a 550 watt power supply?

The 2080 Super and a 3700 can demand a lot

Can you make a video of this problem and upload it to YT?

Say reproduce this bug?