Did you drink too much energy yesterday and now you are in pain?


Yesterday I drank 2 cans of Energy from lw because I thought it was 0.25 lieter cans. Later I noticed that the 0.5 liter cans of goods and everything was still good… Hb Minecraft gambled and suddenly a spider flies towards me and I get a mega shock, since then my chest stings I'm afraid that my liver is failing and can easily be difficult to breathe. The whole thing has been 7pm since yesterday evening.

Do you think that will go away on its own? Do you think something bad can happen? Can I have a heart attack? Will my liver fail? Or is there enough time already? Or do you have any tips? Am 15

Please Help ME I've learned my lesson and will never (try) energy drinking again.

next to info: I drank 1.5 liters 2 years ago for some reason and my body held up and I had no pain… Do you think that I have all the pain because of the shock?

Another side info: Have high cholesterol

Thanks to any help! But please not something like you learned your lesson


I think you should go to the doctor and have it checked out. Energy is generally not healthy and should not actually be consumed in too high a quantity.

When I drink Energy (250 ml) I have a consistently higher heart rate because of the high caffeine.

So I assume that with 1 liter of energy the body has to deal with it differently.

As I said, let me check you out


The half-life of caffeine is four hours. This means that after four hours your body will have broken down half of the caffeine and the effects will wear off. Since you drank energy last night, it is very unlikely that you will have any side effects now.


But think something else can happen?


Does that mean that I just imagine the pain in my chest and am fully healthy? I've already thought of that but have no plan


If you drink more energy drinks for sure, just try to pull yourself together and look past this search


If you are a person who is prone to fear, then it is conceivable that your complaints are of a psychological nature. Just do something that will distract you. I firmly assume that your symptoms will then go away.


Okay thanks…