Why can't I build a water lift in Minecraft?


Hi if I place the soul sand and build a sluice upstairs and then put water I can't or no bubbles come that transport me up. Is there any command or something or how can I do it so that the bubbles come again? Can you please help me


If you just have no bubbles, something is set with 'Show particles' so that you don't see it.
If you don't have water power either, you need water source blocks. You can create this by first placing kelp up in your "tube". This should create source blocks. Then place the soul sand below and then it should work.
If all of this doesn't work (e.g. You don't even have kelp) you are probably in the wrong version


The water blocks must be real water blocks. So you can't just let water run down from the top, you have to put the water everywhere from Hnad, on every single block.


I tried it in 1.15 and the thing is there it didn't work either and if I put such a hole awake souls in sand and then water doesn't work either


OK. Try the second one that I wrote. ^^


You have to build the water blocks all individually to get only source blocks and to be sure you can plant kelp through all the water then you can break down the kelp and you're done