Firing monitors with RTX 3060?


Can I light these monitors with an RTX 3060- and will they be there until the end of next year (the monitors)

In games like GTA 5 and 6, Apex, Valorant, Ark and Minecraft on the highest settings?


You can of course fire up monitors with an RTX3060 and there will certainly be monitors that you can still buy today and at the end of next year


Sry forgot link xD


FullHD should work without problems in most games, but not, for example, in Ultra in Microsoft Flight Simulator (with 60fps).

1440p should go in Minecraft and GTA too.


These are 1440p monitors - for the basic games you mentioned it will be enough - except ARK. With Ark on the highest settings in 1440p, the 3060 is not sufficient, but if you slim down a bit in the graphics (which still looks good) it will certainly work.


Ok thanks and what about next year?


What should be then?


Will they still exist then?


I don't work for AOC, the best way to do this is to ask the manufacturer directly…


Yes what do you guess?


Nobody can give you a guarantee that you will get exactly the same device to buy at the end of next year

If you intend to get two monits, then take the same two times at once

Sk write them here.
The monitor has been on the market since 2019 - you can expect it to be available next year


Ok, should i then wait until i have all the money and then buy them all at once next year?


Ok thank you really helped me


You have to make the decision yourself. We can't take that from you. But you can also buy two different ones, it's not that bad either (have 3 different monitors ^^)


As I said: if you intend to set up a dual-screen space, then you always buy the same two times, otherwise you will get eye problems
You get a bigger one right away, with more resolution


I don't understand the comment… You don't get any eye problems if the monitors are set up well… I have three different ones and that works fine…

Rtx 3060 good? be belle37
RTX little fps? ab absurd5