I suddenly remember dreams?


I have been able to remember dreams more and more recently, but only since I started to really deal with them and before sleep I say that I will dream now "

now the funny thing, my dreams always come to me very late. I set the alarm clock for example at 11, but wake up at 9, 10, 10:30, WITHOUT REASON.

I think that is the time when I dream.

today I did normal homework, suddenly the whole dream of today came to my head like a blow, then I could remember the dream better and better

Right now I could remember something, my friends said if we were going to play Minecraft today, then I said, yes, are we going to build what you sent me? "Then he said, I didn't send you a picture" suddenly I noticed that today was a dream of mine.

Why is that? Why don't I remember after getting up? Is it normal that you combine dream with reality?


Well, it's probably because you're doing something similar to a dream, and I've got it sometimes.


I feel the same way, but unfortunately I still have no real explanation for it. Maybe it's a Dejavu (i don't know if it's spelled correctly) Maybe there are details in your life that you associate with dreams and when you experience these details (or maybe they are objects) that you can remember your dreams

I'm sorry I can't really help you any further.


Thanks anyway! Good to know that others have it too.

I'll just try to dream lucid now


Wait what? Why?


Because that's the goal all the time, first you have to be able to remember dreams, then you can start lucid dreaming, or say the preparations


Oh yes I've heard of it and even tried it only with me and it worked so well xD

only read socid)