At some point, I had plans to do Minecraft videos on Youtube, and I wanted to know if you needed a permit for that
The questions and answers I left until jz are about 5 years old or so. Why do I ask not only for myself but also for others, so that if not everyone knows, we can be sure that we need a Gehnemigung for such (general Let's Play's) videos.
Thank you in advance for the people who answer normally
What should you need a permit for?
For the admission program? For uploading the videos?
No you do not need to.
Only if you want to use coypright-protected music.
Of course, games also fall under copyright and of course you need a permit for it, if you want to upload recordings from the games somewhere.
Since many manufacturers view it as advertising and because they know that many users like to upload videos, they give most manufacturers approvals from a flat rate, for others you have to register first to get a permit. Normally, you can find the right information on the manufacturer's website, you can forget any information from other sources anywhere on the net, just stick to the info from the manufacturer, only he can tell you how he does it with his rights handles
What should you need a permit for?
very simple: if you want to distribute copyrighted material somewhere, publish or showcase you need a permit!
No you do not need to.
but of course!
Only if you want to use coypright-protected music.
The copyright is not just for music!
In the age of DSGVO, it is certainly easy to publish videos with player names without permission, as they often contain real names.
If this is the case, you definitely need the player's permission, which appears in the video.
If it's only buildings that you present, then you only need the permission of the server operator, not the one of the game manufacturer.
Information on how to handle games can be found in each of the manufacturer's terms of use.
Generally, I'm not aware of the fact that e.g. Mojang would ban a let's play video.