Why is Stuttgart so ugly?


To increase it in the first place this question is really serious. I moved from Munich to Stuttgart about 3 years ago. After my parents and friends were visiting and were all shocked by the cityscape, I have also found out: Stuttgart is grottenhässlich.

-Stuttgart 21

-Each corner giant construction site

Inner city Minecraft moderate houses (just a cube)

- dirty (garbage on the floor is not cleaned even after 4 weeks)

Streets that are even worse than in Albania (pothole etc)

And much more. Now I ask myself what drives the Mietspiegel here, and what makes the mayor of Stuttgart?

I do not think that after sewage stinking Neckar or the Swabians are an argument for outrageously high rents!


So of all the big cities in Germany I really feel that Stuttgart is one of the more beautiful ones.

But that's just a matter of taste


Compare Stuttgart with Munich or Hamburg or Dresden


Well, do not be so hard now. Sure, Stuttgart 21 tears holes in the ground but otherwise? Sonnenberg, Botnang, Killesberg, etc. Etc. Are beautiful corners.

Or do you live on the Fasanenhof?

But if everything is so ugly, why are you here? The answer to this question is the answer to your question about the rental prices… (smile)


Ne live Marienplatz


Console yourself. Hamburg also has real dirty corners, where you would shake your head. Out of respect for the inhabitants of the neighborhoods, I do not want to go into such detail.

But you are free as part of your ability to work for the development of your city, to answer the question of what does the mayor.

Rentals are governed by supply and demand. And if Stuttgart attracts people for job or education, that drives up rents. Even living in Hamburg is not exactly cheap. I myself also moved from Kiel to Hamburg because of my job and my family.