What is the Map of Paluten Project Minecraft Escape?


Hi what map has Paluten for the project Minecraft escape?

Or similar maps as LOGO and Dner. LG Marvin

for the 1.14.4


Ask paluten! Just send us a message on youtube and wait 3-4 days! He has always answered me!

alternatively ask under the video. There are also many, other players to find!


Yes, thank you, but are you a Pogrammirer?


Yes I'm! But I only do it as a hobby. I wrote my first program in the mid 90s. My first game in 2001 … Had millions of fans at that time:-) it even made it to the cd of the games folder in brazil! At that time I was pretty proud ^^ + gg was also in "komputer bild" (Polish version of "computer picture"). * hehe ^^


Heil, but can you do that? With minecraft?


No! Bzw… I have not done so far! Know the game synonymous only of palute videos, I'm not a gamer type. Hardly I do not imagine that!

let's say this: if I were to deal with it, I could do that, yes!

or otherwise: I got my first smartphone 3 years ago. The first thing I did was to play a game. I was interested, was no problem. Since I'm not a smartphone / mobile phone type, I sold the thing and continue to walk around without a mobile phone! Can / but probably also things for the thing programming.


What are you using to program the games?


For Java edition this is on PC from minecraft.net


Arrives on the platform and the game.

For mobile devices predominantly JAVA. On the PC C ++ or Basic. Always dependent on how much effort is involved in the game… Is there also the graphic component etc.

Especially since it is a difference, if I program a card game or a 3D-Jump & Run, etc…


What is actually with Notepad ++? I have been doing this for a while now because I wanted to teach myself programming and the only thing I can do now is minecraft command plugins and a little bit at Unity. And I have Android Studio


Take "notepad2" rather ;-) is an insider tip, so please do not spread it!
