MC Worldguard is not working?

- in Worlds

I'm currently in the process of making a minecraft server and downloaded Worldguard. My server is running at 1.13.2. (Bukkit)

WorldEdit: Bukkit 7.0.0

WorldGuard: Bukkit 7.0.0

In the description at WorldGuard is also that it is for 1.13+ and that it needs this WorldEdit version I have installed.

My problem now is that if I now select an area and enter the Command / rg define FarmWorld, only:

Unknown Command. Please use / help.

Well, WorldEdit does not work for WorldGuard. And if I enter / plugins, then there's both WorldEdit and WorldGuard, and it is there in green.

Even with the downloads, there were no problems.

All my plugins


What about the command // expand vert, is that possible? Or generally world guard commands or world edit commands. Look in the server log for what errors appear there.


Yes, // expand vert goes


WorldGuard v7.0.0-beta-03; e51a220 (Is it up to date?)

That's where WorldGuard stands in the real-time server console


Okay, so somehow WorldGuard does not work: /


I guess you install a new version of worldguard. Look at bukkit or spigot. Try it


Do not take the beta version but a version below that can also be used for 1.13.2.


Okay, I downloaded another version now and it worked.


Obviously you have an outdated worldguardversion. Look here:

For worldedit:

Tip: write world names small, then later have no problems with the 1.14 update.


Okay, then I'll rename the worlds. Why are there problems there?


Are you looking here:

Md_5 wrote:

eg the current requirement

Free translated:

Note: The current requirements are that all world names are written in lower case.

Subject: from 1.14.1 to current

What happens if you do not do it:

The worlds can no longer be loaded, Multiverse also does not recognize them and most plugins do not work.

This is particularly annoying, if you use LWC as a protection, then everything must be new protectet or you try in the DB to change the world names to lowercase. The plugin does not do that.

Very idle.

Have fun and greetings from katzebiggi


Okay thank you very much.

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble
Minecraft mod not working? Ma MariahBentlee