How can I turn off damage in minecraft 1.12.2 without entering the world? Gladly with mods.
What platform do you play on?
I see. Yes. Java
Do you mean every damage or only certain type of damage e.g. From mobs case damage and so on?
Fire and lava damage
You have to activate cheats and do it in the game differently net mach / gamerule FireDamage false
Is there a way to deactivate any damage from outside?
This is possible with the program:
You can find the official download here:
Go to the folder of your world
Open your player file with NBTExplorer
Put your game mode on creative. So change from 0 to 1.
There are sure to be instructions for this on Google, if you shouldn't make it. If necessary, ask here.
Issuing fire damage has only been possible since 1.15. I think changing your gamemode is the only way to survive assuming you fell into lava.
Tip for the future:
/ gamerule keepInventory true
Enter this command, then you won't lose any more items when you die.
This gamerule has only been around since 1.15, and fireDamage would be the correct spelling.
Thanks! I had also thought of the player data, but I didn't know that there was a reading program for it!
Where is the game mode?
Open level.dat with NBTExplorer
Go to player
In playerGameType, change the 0 to a 1
Thanks ^^
You're welcome.
everything worked? ^^