Minecraft mod (hqm)?

- in Worlds

Hello and indeed I have a problem with the mod "hqm (Hardcore Questind Mod)"

I play the Mod Pack FTB Beyond 1.10.2 (changed slightly) and added this mod.

However, if I want to play my world and I want to do my quests, I have no quest in my book?! What is wrong? I have already looked in the configs and have already / hqm quest enable and everything done but it does not work!

Can someone help me that I can play this mod?


I play the Mod Pack FTB Beyond 1.10.2 (changed slightly) and added this mod.

However, if I want to play my world and I want to do my quests, I have no quest in my book?!

What do you think, where the quests come from in HQM? They will not fall from the sky. They are written by the author of the modpack. Since this modpack does not include HQM, there are no quests.


Yes thank you for this information… But you can really say it better times… It's just a platform where you can ask if you do not know something and you do not know everything


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