Why is my RTX not working?

- in Worlds

Yesterday I assembled my new PC with the Nvidia RTX 3070, 16 GB RAM and a Ryzen 5 3600 and wanted to test ray tracing with games like Cyberpunk or Minecraft. But if I start Minecraft (optimized with GeForce Experience) and want to download an RTX world from the Marketplace, the game shows me that I don't have the necessary system requirements and shows me the necessary specifications, but all of them my system apply. With Cyberpunk 2077 I switched on RTX in Geforce Experience beforehand, but the option is not available in the game and it does not work with RTX either. Can someone help me there?


Could imagine that it is due to the drivers of the graphics card, if the problem has not been resolved with the next driver update, it is probably because Mojang or Microsoft has not yet classified this graphics card as RTX capable, wait for the next one MC update and see if it worked.

PS: An RTX 3090 is currently installed in my workstation, I mainly only use it for 3D modeling or the like. But my cousin always plays Minecraft on my workstation and can play with ray tracing, so it could possibly be due to different specifications.

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble
RTX little fps? ab absurd5