Minecraft hangs when i select a world?

- in Worlds

I wanted to play Minecraft and wanted to play in my world, I press it, nothing happens and then it hangs. I have already restarted Minecraft several times, restarted ps4 or reinstalled minecraft and everything didn't help, but the strange thing is when I open the other worlds, everything just doesn't work in one world. Could you please help me, because I've worked on this world for a long time and no, I can't copy it either, because it's the same.


Can possibly be because it takes up too much memory. I once had a world with almost 1 GB and it was often not playable.


So with the world it is about 560 mb does it still fit?


Ok, that's a lot, but it shouldn't be a problem for a Ps4, so at least the world should be startable.