Why can't Dynmap be installed?

- in Worlds

I use the server MOD "Spigot" on Minecraft version 1.16.2. Now I really wanted to set up the dynmap for my Minecraft server. So I downloaded the following file and installed it in the plugins folder: https://www.spigotmc.org/...ate=232892

Now I have set the same as the colleague here:

When I enter the command "dynmap fullrender emazinworld" in the console, the following error message appears: [17:02:16] [Server thread / INFO]: Dynmap failed to initialize properly: commands not available

How do I proceed?


Dynmap is rendered ingame and as an OP


I have already executed the command ingame as "OP". The same error message came up.


Go to the world to be rendered and just enter dynmap fuillrender ingame. Do not put a world name behind it


Unfortunately that didn't work either:-( But thanks for the nice tip! The same error message comes up


Which modpack do you use on your server? I'm using Spigot 1.16.2. Can it be because of that? Hello!


I don't use any mods at all, only plugins, maybe it's because dynmap is not suitable for mod servers or you express yourself incorrectly. Is dynmap even loaded when you start the server?


I hope not that I'm wrong. Dynmap runs on a large number of multiplayer MC servers. Paper, spigot, etc. Seems like I'm doing something wrong. So when I move the JAR file into the plugins folder and restart the server, a new folder "Dynmap" is created. When I enter the command "dynmap" or "dynmap fullrender" or "dynmap fullrender emazinworld" into the console, the following error message appears:

dynmap fullrender emazinworld
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap hide - hides the player from the map.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap hide TheDude - hides the player 'TheDude' on the map.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap show - shows the player on the map.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap show TheDude - shows the player 'TheDude' on the map.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap render - Renders the tile at your location.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap fullrender - Render all maps for entire world from your location.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap fullrender world - Render all maps for entire world 'world'.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap fullrender world: mapname - Render map 'mapname' of world 'world'.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap radiusrender ## - Render at least ## block radius from your location on all maps.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap radiusrender ## mapname - Render at least ## block radius from your location on map 'mapname'
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap radiusrender worldname xz ## - Render at least ## block radius from location x, z on world 'worldname' [17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap radiusrender worldname xz ## mapname - Render at least ## block radius from location x, z on world 'worldname' on map 'mapname'
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap updaterender - Render updates starting at your location on all maps.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap updaterender mapname - Render updates starting at your location on give map
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap updaterender worldname xz mapname - Render updates starting at location x, z on world 'worldname' for given map [17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO] : / dynmap cancelrender - Cancels any active renders on current world
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap cancelrender world - Cancels any active renders of world 'world'
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap stats - Show render statistics.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap triggerstats - Show render trigger statistics
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap resetstats - Reset render statistics.
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap sendtoweb msg - Send message to web users
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap purgequeue - Set tile update queue to empty
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap purgequeue worldname - Set tile update queue to empty for world 'worldname'
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap purgemap worldname mapname - Delete all the tiles for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname'
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap purgeworld worldname - Delete all the files for world 'worldname'
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap pause - Show render pause state
[17:18:36] [Server thread / INFO]: / dynmap pause - Set render pause state
rate limit exceeded


This is not a bug, but the help information, as you can't let dynmap render from the console. Basically this is only possible in-game. The Dynmap version you are using is for all Minecraft versions up to 1.16.4, so you do something wrong when entering commands or Dynmap does not load at all, because the display when the plugin is loaded is different and much shorter. The latest.log might provide information.


I put the plugin in the plugins folder (jar file) and restart the server. A new folder is created. Now I enter ingame "/ dynmap fullrender emazinworld". Is that correct so far?
That would be the latest.log: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14385669/latest.log.html


After diner latest.log, dynmap is not loaded at all, so there are no commands. Download the current version here:


Your server complains in line 183. There's the dynmap error.


I have installed the current version. The file ended up in the plugins folder, the server restarted, a new folder appeared, configuration configured and IP & port accessed in the browser. Unfortunately still nothing happens:-( If you feel like it and have time, can you have a look on the server?


There's another error in your latest.log, take out the essentialsGEO plugin, it is not compatible with 1.16. Possibly. Blocks the dynmap.


Can I easily uninstall the plugin? The plugin essentialsGEO communicates with the other essentials plugins, right? Do you use the Essentials extension yourself?


Yes, I also use essentials. Each essentials plugin is independent, so you can completely delete the geo again, it only communicates with itself, possibly also with the dynmap, since you can also use the chat there and display the ip on the map. But it violates the GDPR because the dynmap is public. The essemtialsgeo jar and the created folder, if there's one, delete and restart the server, or shut down before deleting.


I removed the "essentialsGEO.jar" plugin. A folder was not created by the plugin. Then uploaded the "Dynmap-3.1-beta5-spigot" plugin, restarted the server and adjusted the configuration. Enter the command "/ dynmap fullrender emazinworld" in-game. The error message "Dynmap failed to initialize properly: commandy nor available" appears again


Moin, I made you a friend request, think communicating privately is better from now on. You're doing something wrong, just what's the question… Laugh.


Thank you Biggi! You're too good. I proceed exactly as I'm writing this to you. But yes… I must be doing something wrong.


I believe you too, but something must go wrong anyway, it works for me too and it works for dozens of others as well. Even locally I have no problems, so the fault must be somewhere else, but where and with that I would like to help you to find it.