Why am I not seeing a prefix?

- in Worlds

I'm currently experimenting a bit with Minecraft servers.

I have set up a Spigot 1.12.2 with the following plugins:

WorldGuard, WorldEdit, EssentialsX, PlotSquared, Multiverse-Core, PEX, ScoreBoard, SetSpawn, sTablist, and Vault

The ranks in the PEX system work perfectly, only I do not get the prefix entered in premissions.yml or in sTablist (plugin for tablist and prefixes). I had somehow made it for a while, then unfortunately there was a power failure._… I think it also has something to do with essentials. Maybe someone can help me.


Send the config.yml from PEX


Thank you for your answer, after a long try I made it that evening. Was due to the config of essentials and sTablist.