Problem with spawn and operators, what to do?

- in Worlds

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I have a problem in the computer game Minecraft where I'm currently working on my own server. I also have a citybuild with a farm world there. The problem: In the farm world, there's the problem that you can break down anywhere as a non-operator / normal player. I list the rights of a player on my server here:


- multiverse.portal.access.

- multiverse.access.

- essentials.spawn

- clickwarp.warp.

- clickwarp.warp

- clickwarp.invwarp

- clickwarp.invwarp.item

- itemjoin.Spawn.

- shop.create

- modifyworld.


Do you know which plugin blocks building? Is it Worlguard? By the way, there must be no points behind the Permissions, maybe that's the reason?


There are still asterisks behind the dots. Because of the plugins come into question: Worldguard, Multiverse, PermissionsEx or Essentials


Maybe WorldGuard blocks the dismantling?

/ region flag __global__ passthrough allow

/ region flag __global__ build allow

Maybe it will work out.


No thanks. Was still a try value.


Do you have any essentials build on it? I always had to take that down because I did not get it right


Do you mean Essentials AntiBuild?




Ok, that has never bothered me. I often read that that bothers me. Now it's my turn. XD thanks


Your permissions are incomplete and incorrect. Worldguard has no build permissions. This is governed by the worldguardflag. For this you need worldedit. Without worldguard does not work properly.

Construction rights are granted globally with essentials and perm Building rights then withdraw with worldguard and the flag build-deny.

It is mandatory for every player allowed to enter a permissions. Some plugins have multiple permissions for execution. Always reading the wiki from the plugin, that helps a lot.

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