(Inspirational) Minecraft Survival Let's Plays to recommend?

- in Worlds

Can jmd recommend good survival LPs? I recently built a Survival World again and wanted to get some inspiration in the direction of the base, camp, garden and so on…

I really liked Minevraft for beginners from LarsLP.

German would be nice but English is also possible. I really want to run speed runs or something, but chilled LPs from front to back.


Is a friend of mine, was once quite well known in the Bedwars scene. His Lets Plays are not that hectic and he has really done huge things.



If it doesn't matter how old - then the original Lets Play from Gronkh. It was really fun to look at, even if he sometimes told quite a bit of trash.

Nevertheless, he built really nice stuff, from which you can also cut a disk.