Why are there still let's plays today with 30 fps?

- in Textures

So do not get me wrong, if you play a game that only supports 30 fps it does not make much sense to render it at 60 fps. But why in 2019 are people still recording Minecraft's let's plays with 30 fps recording, even though they do not even use a shader, texture pack, etc.

I can't understand such people, and usually people are not so inexperienced and actually make good videos and can talk well, but the let's plays still have only 30 fps?


Mhh in this argument, I would advise against even ever to see a movie or to buy enie Blueray, because you have only 24 FPS.


@blackhaya Well, I can't understand… But movies use least Motion Blur, and it does not look quite so bad. But still I do not quite understand why they do not have 60fps.


Poor comparison, because for a movie another technique is used. Play a PC game with 24fps, that will make you shudder like hell.


Lets Play these are just video films that are usually streamed on the Internet, since the same rules apply as with other videos too.


As I said. Movies use different techniques, so 24fps look very fluid.

Can you test it yourself. Take something on your computer with 24fps and you'll see what I mean by that.


At Lets Play I leave other games and then watch the video.


Because 30 FPS are enough.


And what does that have to do with the fact that you are wrong?


LEt's Play is a video so easy is that:-)


@ milos2 Rhein theoretically sufficient 30fps. But 30 fps just look incredibly unflattering! Play Minecraft at 30 fps, you'll see it looks absolutely catastrophic. Are you one of those who thinks you will not see a difference between 30 and more fps? If so: that's nonsense trust me, you see a big difference!


I have never played minecraft before.


Videos are bigger, everything takes longer (upload, render, etc.) and the effort is well worth it for most of them.

In addition, you need a very good PC to always over 60 FPS to stay and record.

Same one could say about the resolution why the videos are not in 4K. Even without a 4K monitor, the picture with 4K would look much better on Youtube.


@ Bobbymowick I know the file is getting bigger, but we're living in 2019, not in 2012. Nowadays, uploading videos at 30 fps is like watching videos in 480p today. 30fps are no longer up-to-date and look grotty! In the past, the videos were smaller in size, but nowadays SSD hard drives are also available, and if you do not make videos in 60 fps because it takes too long, then you should either wait longer or move. Sorry, but 30 fps do not go at all…


I do not know which Youtuber you are watching, but I hardly know videos of games in 30 FPS.

Let me give you a few examples of what you are looking at the 30 FPS.


E.g. Dagilp_lbh makes let's plays at 30 fps.

link: https://www.youtube.com/...3LA-BvsrgQ


No, it's not that simple.
