Why is Fortnite so hyped?


I do not understand the trend. Am I left behind if I still like Minecraft?


Yesterday I bought the SNES Mini and played Donkey Kong Country.

Man, I had an emotional boost. You still find what you first had, the best.


It's free
The game mode "Battle Royale" linked to components seems to have hit the nerve
Many Youtubers with millions of fans have "promoted" the game by playing it

I really like the Fortnite Community, all these Kiddis with their Fortnite Dances…

However, I owe it to Fortnite because now all Minecraft kids are playing Fortnite and MC has lost its tragic reputation of being a kiddie game.


What you like has nothing to do with a trend. If you like minecraft then you do not care if it's trendy or not.

Many like fortnite. The game is good too, but it's also easy because there are many who play this trend. There are also good games that nobody knows and therefore not many play. It has nothing to do with it.

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble
Not a hyped game? Av Avahviolet237