Programming fun?


Hey I've never had anything to do with programming and I want to learn the Java basics for Minecraft but I only find Youtubers that either "seriously" explain that the fun goes away others do not tell any backgrounds especially Youtuber who start programming directly with Minecraft and not first make a "Java Tutorial" and I can't learn from it so these are people like Lonzbonz or BiVieh. So I'm looking for a Youtuber the fun and detailed "tells" if you know one writes the name Thank you


Why do not you try a book?

Is much more effective


So to my knowledge, there are not really fun beginner tutorials. These are more likely to be found in AI / ML stuff.


Can you recommend me weill with every book there's a 1sterne rating where it is badly explained and so


The best way to learn programming is to my knowledge You do NOT learn to program by watching videos. You have to try it yourself! Code Academy is an interactive tutorial, i. You learn while you are programming.

If you can program a bit, I recommend This is not for learning, but for practicing. Exercism is free and run by volunteer mentors who will correct your exercises and give you useful tips. I'm a mentor on exercise myself, but not for Java, but for Rust.


I used the book:

However, it might be more useful for you to take this:

Same publisher, so I'm confident that it must be good.


Java is also an island. This is one of the best known java books.


I have this LetsCodeMinecraft and you do not really learn to write plugins. You only control robots with the Computercraft Mod via Lua.


@ Miner yes that costs 50 euro


If you can use the Java basics. So how do you learn all the minecraft stuff?


Is this Codecademy also in German?


You can usually only learn programming by applying it. You do not learn that by showing you how to do it. Because there's not one way, because programming languages are just tools that you use to implement your problem-solving strategy. Everything anyone can do is teach you to use those tools. For example, by explaining to you what Java's syntax is. But you have to learn to solve problems yourself. And you can only do that by solving problems.

So I would advise you to read through the Java programming language documentation. This will allow you to acquire knowledge of the individual programming constructs. And once you've got the basics, set a goal, a project, and try to do it with your newfound knowledge. You probably will not do that right away. At certain points you will fail. But if you ask a search engine how to achieve the effect you want to achieve, you'll get to know more features of the programming language and expand your knowledge. And you will also learn how to independently come to a solution and how to look, if you get stuck.


Then either through YouTube (even if most videos are not fun) or books. There are also many websites where everything is written.


No, but if you want to learn programming, you should understand English anyway. 90% of all resources on the Internet are in English. The source code of Minecraft is in English. The standard library of Java is in English. The compiler output is in English.


That's right