Gaming PC suitable?


Greet you,

I don't really know my way around gaming PCs and I need your help. I'm looking for a PC that doesn't cost a fortune, also used.

It should run at most Anno 1800, Minecraft, Photoshop & Indesign. It doesn't get much more.

So would the following suffice?

Thanks and Lg

Gaming PC suitable

Anno 1800 should run. However, the graphics card is quite a bottleneck. You should consider installing a 1050ti or a 900 GTX.


Depends on the price


Should be enough. But better buy a 1050 or 1060 card.

You might be able to save on RAM. 8GB would be enough for what you do think.

I don't know any cooler. But suspect that it is the cheapest of the cheapest. Maybe invest a little more in the cooler. It's always important.


No, anno is extremely demanding, I don't even know what to advise you to do, but it is certain that you need at least this:


I play Anno 1800 on low with Athlon 200ge and Vega 3 with 20FPS. Not happy and it's not nice, but it should be playable with the 750 for testing. Nevertheless, I would say that (with the surcharge of 30 euro from 750ti to 770 the computer is probably too expensive overall)


Once you've played a few hundred hours, you need a lot more power


Graphics card I join here, especially because you want to work a little graphically.


The system will be sufficient for your needs. What should it cost?