Good (gaming) PC for gaming videos for YouTube?


I'm shooting gaming videos on YouTube. Minecraft, actually. But unfortunately my PC is very bad and I have to record in a very poor quality because otherwise the recording would hang completely. I want to buy a new PC at some point. The best is a gaming PC. Do you have any recommendations? The PC should be able to handle video recordings and I want to record in good quality.

But since I unfortunately don't have much money and would have to save a long time to get 500 euro at all (I would also pay more than 500 euro for the PC, that was just an example because I simply can't get money quickly) it is best to invest properly, but there are still cheap PCs that can handle it well.


First of all, I would look at what eats the performance on your computer, or does not own. Then I would see what you have to change. Graphics card, CPU and certainly more RAM. Sure, I could list everything with prices for you now, but that would probably not help much because I don't know what you can spend and so on. My tip: always put it together yourself, save money and price. Performance simply fits more. Even if you can't do it, have your colleague order the parts and, if necessary, install them directly… Not an issue in itself, even my ex managed 🙃


So 500 euro would be your maximum budget, yes? This price range is even enough for a good gaming PC. The question now arises: do you want to build it yourself?

When you buy a ready-made PC, you always pay at least 100 euro for it to be assembled. Would it be worth it to you? If so, you can take a look at Dubaro or hardware advice. There you will find fair and good ready-made PCs.


No, my budget is not 500 euro. In the worst case, I could also pay more, but I just wanted to say that I don't get any money so quickly ^^


So you can no longer save my PC… It is ancient, from 2008 or so… I would rather buy a new one


Oh well… Well, without a budget it is difficult to recommend something. If it is really difficult for you, I would look at Ebay classified ads or other sales platforms.


Simply as cheap as possible xD. But of course I would prefer not to pay much more than 500 euro…


Well. I could put something together for you on Mindfactory if you want to assemble your PC yourself.


What do you have for mainboard, cpu, ram and graphics and monitor?


Ey sorry but I have no idea about the whole thing. You can laugh at me now but what I can tell you is that my PC is really old xD
