My videos that I record are of poor quality and low FPS?


I'm trying to record videos of Minecraft with OBS, but the videos are mostly of poor quality and mostly lag, how can I fix this?

My PC:

Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
Graphics card: KFA2 GeForce GTX 1060 6Gb
Ram: G.Skill TridentZ RGB 32 Gb

My videos that I record are of poor quality and low FPS My videos that I record are of poor quality and low FPS - 1 My videos that I record are of poor quality and low FPS - 2

Settings recording: focus on recording and less stream.


But I don't understand what is stream-focused about it, I watched videos because people set it up exactly that way and everything went very well with them.


You can also set FPS manually


Taking output bitrate to 60000 should help I think


First test the actual upload speed of your Internet connection and then adjust your streaming quality downwards to reduce bandwidth consumption.

For Minecraft itself, 2 cores 4 threads should be enough of your CPU resources. Instead of using the graphics card (NVENC), you encode and compress your stream using the CPU.


Unfortunately, I have already tested on 60,000 and there said some at yt videos that you shouldn't set it too high because otherwise the digger can overload.


Should I then put it higher than 60?


4000 to 6000 Kbit / s it should be more likely for the upstream… 🤔


If necessary, try again on 16000 would be surprised but could also work


Okay, I'll test it briefly and give you feedback right away


Unfortunately not much has changed.


Thanks but I don't want to stream but record videos.


You should try my tips anyway and also reduce the bandwidth considerably from 40,000 kbit / s to 6,000.


Runs a bit better but still not at a smooth 60 fps and the quality is ok


I'll get in touch again when I'm at home, then I'll see how it's set for me


Okay thanks


And now additionally encode on the CPU instead of the Geforce.


Jz it runs almost continuously in 60 fps, but I would like to have even better quality.


It depends on how much FPS you have in the program you want to record


In Minecraft I always have between 300 and 500 fps, but no recording with 300 fps brings me anything, 60 is always enough.


Then do 60


I have (see the pictures!) But it just doesn't take up in 60.


The preset "max quality" could be too high.
Had the same GPU, so I could set the maximum to "Quality" without it jerking. And that although I gambled in connection with the console. So the PC was not burdened again by gambling.
You can't expect a 100% clean picture anyway.
If you play on the same device at the same time, you will probably have to go to "performance" or maybe even lower.

Otherwise try to load the CPU with the encoder "x264" in the OBS.
Start with "veryfast" then record and gamble at the same time.
If it is liquid go to "faster", that is, towards "slow". You do that until it becomes unnecessary. This will allow you to find out your maximum possible quality.
Is the same process with the graphics card, so "NVIDIA NVENC".

A lot also depends on the game, or on the game settings. The less power the game needs, the better you can set the quality in OBS, or the lower the game settings, the better you can set the quality in OBS. So setting unnecessarily high game settings down could help a lot.

The rest of your settings look OK. If you do not manage to achieve a sufficiently good quality, maybe try 720p 60fps and test the same way. It's easier to get clean and fluid. What will look better in the end, especially when shooting, is difficult for me to predict. I specialize more in streaming and my aforementioned experiences relate purely to that. Apart from the bit rate, there shouldn't be much difference in how it works.
By the way, you can go further down with the bit rate at 720p. 40,000 is definitely an exaggeration. Even at 1080p, 15,000 - 20,000 would probably be enough, but no matter how many are possible with you without problems.
Remember that the largest streamers on Twitch are allowed to stream a maximum of 8000 at 1080p. They just have better hardware, of course, and therefore get the whole thing clean with it.

It's generally a lot of testing until you have found the optimal settings in OBS for a game (e.g. Minecraft). Don't stay away.
Playing and recording on the same PC is tough for a PC anyway. Simply by recording in OBS you can push the PC to its limits quite easily.
A second graphics card in the PC or a whole second PC would certainly help, but it is not profitable for most. Even a pure streaming PC should be pretty good in terms of hardware = expensive.
I don't know which second graphics card you need at least to operate it with "max quality". 1060 is definitely not enough.

So I can promise you that you have to make compromises and that you can't expect very good quality.
Turning down game settings could help and as I said… Vlt looks better with scaled 720p in OBS. Maybe with CPU load instead of GPU load without overloading the PC overall (= jerking).


Thanks, it was long for me only with the presetting of the press load, which I have now set to almost 15,000 kbps. Quality is good, but it works a little better, but I can live with it, but unfortunately the 60fps are still not reached, do you have a tip how I could fix this?


Turning down the game settings could help. That helps both for the game and for OBS. There are a few settings in what feels like every game that don't bother you when it is set low.

If the 60fps problem is related to the recording, you can try to get better if you specify a custom buffer size in the recording settings. That should be the same as the bit rate. But can't promise whether that will make a difference.

You could also try changing the way you record the game in the source. So try window recording, screen recording and game recording and compare whether there's a difference.

In extreme cases, just continue to screw down the preset.

Otherwise, I can't think of anything worth mentioning spontaneously.


Was due to the buffer size, but now everything is going very well and looks nice from the quality.