Friend doesn't know Dream even though he was a Minecraft pvp player?


My friend doesn't know Dream even though he was a Minecraft pvp player and I wanted to ask if that's normal he says he doesn't know him because he is not a pvp player but my question is whether you should know him if you had played Minecraft. And I wanted to ask if Dream, a rather good game, can keep up with players like bastighg?


Dream got his hype relatively recently. If he has played Mc then it is rather unlikely that he knows him and yes he can keep up with his speed runs faked which is also proven


Counter-question: Why do you think we have to know every person?


You don't have to know anyone who has a lot of well-known people in minecraft that you don't know either, so of course that's normal, especially if you look at English Youtubers less and yeah, he could


Dream has not been known in the scene for very long and its target group is also rather young.


You don't have to know him

And you don't have to like him either lol

And he definitely can't keep up with BastiGHG

BastiGHG became famous because of his skill, but Dream became famous because he is good at building a long range

Above all, he once faked his speed runs because he apparently can't even speed run normally

And his blatant plays come safe from his audience and not from him

