I wanted to play minecraft with optifine again (1.16.5), but every time I download it and want to open it with Java, a black window opens for a second and goes out again. So it doesn't work… Does anyone have any suggestions for solutions?
I also had this problem for a while. You have to do this:
Right click the OptiFine file.
Click on "Open With" and then on "Select another app.
Now click on more apps. Tip: Check the box next to "Always use for opening!"
Click on "Find another app on this PC".
There's a "Java" folder there. There's a "bin" folder there.
Inside that is a file called "jawaw". Double click on them!
Okay, I did, but if I want to open the file now, nothing happens
Funny, the file has probably been opened too many times with the wrong exe. I'm sorry it didn't work