How much does it cost to repair a hole?


Help please I was upset about minecraft and kicked a hole in the wall. The hole has a diameter of approximately 10 cm. I hung a poster there. How much does it cost to repair the hole? Live in a rental apartment. My mon and my stepfather are killing me






The best thing to do is to take down a few blocks outside and just put them into the wall.


Depends on how your landlord is feeling. Simply fill 10-20 euro.

If a craftsman has to come, from 100 euro upwards.

Take a picture.


My cell phone is broken


You can do it yourself

You need

Hole circular saw slightly larger than your hole in the wall e.g. 108mm

A bit of rigibs

Filler for rigibs

Wooden slat


Wall paint

Drill 1 hole in the wall with a circular saw with a nice and slow feeling (center drill has no stop)

2 Drill out counterpart from new rig plate.

3 wooden slats in the hole so that you can screw them to the right and left with the rigibs.

4 drilled rigibsplatte in the hole is held behind by the wood.

5 smooth everything out

6 grind

7 possibly repeat numbers 5 and 6

Delete 8

Also gives video instructions on the net

The problem could be that the wall has to be repainted completely.

You get similar problems with wallpaper


The problem could be that the wall has to be repainted completely.

But that's enough if you move out and everything has to be done again. If you've repaired it yourself this way,

you will get great praise from the stepfather and the mommy and they will ask you if you could not carry out further repair work in the apartment as prefossionally.

Such employment brings satisfaction and not the frustration that minecraft does.


Stepped on there too?