Legal form with a food truck?


After another ridiculous welcome

the real question:

Does one of you know which legal form you would need for a food truck if you run it with about 5 people?


Need is the wrong term, if 5 operators are present at the same time, it starts from the GbR, you can also found a capital company.

But keep your hands off the GbR, from

"A civil partnership (GbR) is very easy to set up, it becomes more difficult in the liability: For the liabilities of the company, the shareholders are jointly and severally liable with their private assets, so you should clarify some things with your partner."

A corporation requires more money to start up, but most of the time the problems are: "Who has the lead?" It is nice to think that everyone is on an equal footing, but important decisions will cause problems.


GbR = at least two shareholders - all are liable for everything (jointly and severally) with everything (including private money)

The simplest form of society would be…


If there's any money, then I would definitely recommend a GmbH!


Five persons who operate a food truck have the legal form of a GbR by law.

The question is, with what goals you wanted to operate the food truck. To earn money with it, the GbR is okay. If you want to hedge, then the UG would be something.

If you just wanted to serve food, a club might be considered. But for a registration you need two more people.