Spend too much pocket money?


Moin servus moin,

spend too much money at the moment with 14 although I get 80 euro pocket money per month (20 euro from grandma and 60 euro from my father). Have only been remitted for a week pocket money back and have already spent 50 euro. 20 euro for downhill gloves, 10 euro for credit cards, 15 euro for minecraft, 5 euro for forearm trainers and another 10 euro for food. How can I save the best? Spend my money at the moment always too fast and a lot for hobbies and food. The problem is spent in the summer holidays 250 euro spent on graffiti and food. Since then I've been broke. But I have saved 1000 euro on nehm extra account for car driver's license in the future. Do you have any tips?

Aso if some write with newspaper delivery, the problem is I wrote the email for advertising 9 weeks ago in the summer holidays but they said it would be too busy at the moment and they are not looking for any more. And have been waiting for 9 weeks and have since received no email…


Bro, I feel that. Look, you have to stop when you're out there with your boys a little hold back and know your limits when it comes to spending money. Yesterday I spend with my girlfriend in Hamburg just 60 euro only for food and so funny scooters. What's in it for me now? I'm almost naked and new salary comes only on the 28th haha. I could have saved the money if I were with her to McDonalds or pulled a doner kebab.

So just think that you can buy the stuff another time and that it will not get you anything. For example, If you have another pair of gloves you can use them yk


I'm right but have no other pair of gloves. Because currently is cold and anyway need for gloves gloves so I protect my hands and normal gloves would be just unnecessary if I still need something for the bike anyway. Unfortunately, spend too much money, although I must say that I never really meaningless verballer, because mostly when I spend money except for food, are the things I use for years. Except for graffiti there's the problem…


That's how it was with me and it always worked well: https://www.taschengeldtabelle.org


No matter what it is: Think about 3 days if what you just want to have to be really. Often one thinks over his decision again: oh no so urgent / important / urgent this is not.


Ya the problem is soon vacation and I wanted to buy spray cans


Anyone who gets so much pocket money at this age can't learn to use it. Simply because of the way of thinking: I have it