PC for gaming & video editing?


Could someone give me a good ready-made PC

(no, I don't want to assemble one myself… Yes, I'm aware that ready-made PCs have some disadvantages compared to custom PCs. No, please don't try to motivate me to do so.)

recommend? My focus is on gaming (LoL, GTA, Minecraft etc., but should at best - not a must - also be able to handle more demanding games), video editing & graphic design. My budget is 1,000 euro, with a maximum of 1,500 euro.

Thank you in advance.

(Please do not talk to me about things like CPU or RAM or something like that, I really know about 0!)


But there are also devices that you put together and let them assemble for 50, from me also for 100 with update bios etc.

the advantage is that it is like a finished PC but does not have the disadvantages.

Ready-made PC is made in such a way that PROFIT is important and not price performance. Ergo, something is always built in that is bad.

Especially in your price segment

Everyone is happy to help you to create a configuration, which we can then build together. Is definitely cheaper and better than done.


I've already thought of that, but 1. I don't know how and by whom I can have it assembled and 2. I don't know the individual parts and I don't really have time to deal with them: /



For 1500 euro it would be good 👌🏻👆


A video on YouTube is enough that is so easy to assembleb


Which program do you use for video editing? Especially at Adobe you should probably use an Nvidia graphics card, as far as I know… Otherwise it might be helpful to know how high the standards are when editing video.

The games are not a problem, any PC from 600 euro can do them in Full HD, but video editing can be very demanding. The choice is of course limited to ready-made PCs.


I use vegas.


Definitely too expensive and you don't know what exactly is installed. Away from Amazon PCs.


"Away from Amazon PCs", she would like a pre-fabricated PC and most pre-fabricated PCs are more expensive than building them yourself.


And how high are the requirements for video editing? Full HD videos in the amateur field or 4K @ 60 fps with sophisticated editing?


Yes, but then you don't have to buy overpriced garbage on Amazon. There are enough sites that have better configurations such as Hardware Council, Dubaro and partly also Agando.


Full HD is sufficient!


Well then you can even get there with less than 1000 euro.

When do you need the PC? A lot of new hardware is currently appearing, so it might be worth waiting a few more weeks. The new Ryzen CPUs are out now, the first new Nvidia graphics cards are slowly coming and the new graphics cards from AMD will appear soon (in 4 days).


Oh, there's still time. I actually wanted to buy it for Christmas, but it may be that I don't have the money by then and it will sooner be in the spring of next year.


Well then I would ask again when the purchase is pending. The next few weeks will certainly change the prices, I guess, especially when the availability of the new hardware improves, the prices will probably drop a little and the finished PCs will then mostly have the new components.