I can't hear anything in TeamSpeak 3 anymore. /?


I can't hear anything in TeamSpeak. I listen to everything on YouTube, in Fortnite, in Minecraft and on Discord. I reinstalled TeamSpeak and restarted the PC. Still not working…

Teamspeak 3 Playback Settings:

profile details

Playback mode: Automatically select best mode
Playback Device: Headphones (2- Razer Kraken USB)

Voice volume: +0.0 dB
SoundPack volume: -24.0 dB

Test sound play Since I hear nothing synonymous

Mono sound extension

Mono to stereo [✔]
Mono to middle (if available) [X]
Mono to Surround (if available) [X]

Always put client 3D positions when available [X]
Own client plays micro clicks [X]
Other clients play micro clicks [X]

Btw. When I start a recording and listen to it afterwards, I hear everything


I hope for a seriously meant answer…


First I would set the playback mode manually, restart ts3 and then test the whole for each possible mode.


Did you already look at ts adjustment?

or looked at your sound adjustment or sometimes fixed sound problem remedy pressed?

if it does not help you then come on our ts tenfix-gaming.eu and there we will look over anydesk or teamviewer where the problemm leigt.


Have a look at their "Volume Remixer" if the TeamSpeak sound is activated there.

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