Minecraft death listener?


I want to program a listener. As soon as a player dies there should be a message saying that he is dying. Well I have a code but errors come out of it.


public void onEDeath (EntityDeathEvent e) {
if (e.getEntity (). GetKiller ()! = null) {
Player player = (Player) e.getEntity ();
Player player2 = e.getEntity (). GetKiller ();
Bukkit.broadcastMessage ("§e" + player.getName () + "§7 was killed by §e" + player2.getName () + "§7.");
} else {
Player player = (Player) e.getEntity ();
Bukkit.broadcastMessage ("§e" + player.getName () + "§7is dead.");


The else method bring errors.

Can someone send me a code?


This is the wrong event.

The correct one is called "PlayerDeathEvent".

And another tip: do not broadcast, replace the death message, otherwise both will come.


Replace EntityDeathEvent with PlayerDeathEvent