Reset Minecraft Death counter?


How can I set the death counter back to 0 in Minecraft?
And how can you change "time since last death" to "time played"?
These things can be seen in the statistics, and I died from n glitch, which doesn't count as death for me, so I want to reset it.


You can't set it back, but you can make a scoreboard and display a death count there and change it as you wish (you can paste it into the tab / on the right of the screen and under the name)
If you want a more detailed explanation, I can explain it to you in more detail, just tell me ^^


Can't you do that in the files? Level data or player data or something?


Not that I know of


you can change it


sorry for the vague response I was testing if this worked without an account, you can change the stats using NBT Explorer and a text editor such as notepad++, although notepad should work as well. The process doesn't take too long, you should be able to find the time since last death under saves and pressing ctrl f to find the time since last death. You're going to be replacing this with the value you gain from the following instructions. Using nbt explorer open your save file and scroll down to level.dat and level.datold (this one is the automatic backup minecraft makes), find the Time value and copy it (it should be between thunder time and version). Copy this value to the first one you opened using notepad++ and it should work. Do this at your own risk and NBT tags can seriously mess with your game if you don't know what you're doing. Hopefully you found a fix for your world, but if you didn't hope this helps someone else trying to look for the answer like me about 30 minutes ago.


Yes. In your world folder there's the stats folder with a json file on it. In it, you can see all of the stats in the game including time played and time since last death. Just set the last one to the former one and set the death count to 0. No danger here.




If you can restart the number of deaths if you open the json file and look for the value "minecraft: deaths" and the value that comes out, set it to 0 to restart it and also this value "minecraft: time_since_death" and change the value to this " minecraft: play_time" whatever that value says you put to this "minecraft: time_since_death"