Does the Gothic architectural style match the rest of the castle?


I'm in the process of building a castle in Minecraft (very original, I know). This should also have a large hall.

As is the case with buildings of this size made of stone, it quickly happens to me that I build in a more Gothic style.

The question now is whether this building fits in with the rest of the castle.

It's not about how realistic it is (I already know that medieval castles had fewer elements in the Gothic style), but about whether they look like one another.

Here are a few pictures of what I'm writing about:

Does the Gothic architectural style match the rest of the castle Does the Gothic architectural style match the rest of the castle - 1

And here's one more from the entire castle:

Does the Gothic architectural style match the rest of the castle - 2

It's not quite finished yet, so I would ask you not to pay so much attention to the bald spots.


Definitely fits very well! Very nice architectural style!


I'm afraid you only have a very, very, very rough idea of what Gothic means.


That may be 😅

But these high windows, these columns / supports between the windows and the shape of the roof are a bit in that direction.

That's why the word rather


Yes, that goes really well together. In the case of castles, you can generally mix the styles, as they often had extensions and conversions


But it's already going in that direction


I think that it definitely goes well together, but I think everyone sees it a little differently, my tip is that you build a little more small details, because that is always better in the end than when there are only a few.



As I said, that's not finished yet.

Unfortunately, you can't see the first courtyard so well in these pictures. However, according to my architectural style, it is very detailed.

All the free areas are definitely still being built on.


Okay, excuse me very much, unfortunately I could not recognize it and of course I know that it is not finished yet… Just thought that it makes sense if I tell you beforehand, then you can install it immediately. 😅


Personally, I think your building turned out very well. It can be seen that you made a lot of effort. I don't have much to complain about either. I might go into a little more detail here and there. Your castle is also reminiscent of a monastery due to the main building. I also think it's very good that you have adapted the castle to the hill / mountain. Keep it up.


Details are yet to come; is not finished yet.


It has nothing to do with luck.


Thanks for the star⭐