Hello how do I find him Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock all Miscellaneous (other) fairy souls?
I don't have a Java Edition, but I strongly believe that someone on YT has it…
Search on YT Fairy Souls Hypixel Skyblock New Hub (There may also be videos coming for the Old Village
Think that's what you're looking for
Uh, so the upper vid… Kp what happened there, but I meant the lower one
What do you mean by other do you mean the ones you haven't found yet
Most of the videos run around the world and collect everyone
No, when I go on a mission there are so many categories Hub / The Barn… And one is called other
Is that the ones in the dungeons? Because there are no videos, because the dungeons are always randomly generated
The others who answer here did not understand the question. You can find the Miscellaneous fairy souls through fishing (3) and in dungeons (not Dungeons Hub). Just open the quest in the dungeon, then you can see if there are any.
I honestly don't know