I want to program a game that is similar to Minecraft, I want to ask whether it is allowed to make money with the game or to clone it at all and put it online.
As long as you don't steal any code or assets, of course. Although there are enough people who do it themselves and get away with it.
Back then we even programmed a Minecraft clone in C at school - the whole thing then ran in the CMD window. Of course, it was correspondingly simple, but it worked.
If you don't use the same code or the same graphics from Minecraft and not the same sounds and these things you can do that because the sounds and graphics are licensed as far as I know, and / whether / or someone will buy it I don't think so or for it spending money… Either you make your income through advertising or other means…
Do you still have the script?
Maybe, but that was about 7-9 years ago - in the meantime I changed two PCs, but I always do backups. Unfortunately, I received my oldest backup HDD 1-2 years ago. I was able to save some data, but not all.
It was a 2D side scroller, similar to Motherload or a mix of Motherload (the flash game) and Minecraft - the world was represented by such █ blocks.
Eigtl cool fight back if you can find the files and send them to me so that I can have a look: 3