Windows driver update problems?


My lame PC finally has a reason why it is so slow: The graphics card has a driver that is definitely 10 years old (it is said that the version is 8. Something and the latest is 16. Something). Unfortunately, when I want to update the driver, it always says that I already have the latest driver. It sucks because I only have 20fps on Minecraft, a 10 year old game. Maybe someone can help me with this, because I can't take this slow PC any longer. PS: The graphics card itself is only one year old, somehow only the driver disturbs.


What kind of Windows do you have?

There's an "Update Assistant" for Windows 10 - I always use it if my PC has any problems with a new update.

However, your question confuses me a bit - is Windows having problems now, or your graphics card?

And how can a graphics card that is only one year old have a ten year old driver?
I'm not a technology professional, but that somehow makes no sense, imo.


I'm using Windows 10