My driver is out of date, but which driver?


So 1. I have the AMD Radeon HD 7600 Series graphics card.

So my driver is not up to date, I know that because 1. Minecraft says that my driver is not up to date and that I could get problems and 2. Because I have already installed a few programs that said a newer version is available. But I didn't want to install from them because I've tried it before and only made things worse.

I also checked the device manager, but it says that the latest version is already installed, which is not true.

I also installed this AMD software, but for some reason it didn't recognize my graphics card and said that I don't have an AMD system, even though I'm completely AMD, I have an AMD processor (AMD Athlon II X2 220).

I hope someone knows or owns the AMD Radeon HD 7600 Series graphics card and knows which driver you can use, please help me!

Thanks for any reply!

Oh, I use Windows 10 Pro, if that helps


You can find drivers / driver updates for download in the Internet. If it still doesn't work, you can buy a new one or check support.


So how now? What are driver updates to download


Look at the at AMD and take the


Yes I already have that but it works and


Yes, there are drivers for download. Find one where Minecraft works.


But does not work, it does not recognize my graphics card


So I didn't get it


It is clear that the card is no longer supported

So you use the manual search and then take the driver version from 2015. or


The Radeon software doesn't support the HD 7600 (at least I think)


How should one help you?

you can only download the latest driver from AMD and hope that it doesn't cause any problems:-)

it's probably a HD7670 …

The problem is that there are no current drivers for the card (from 2012), the last ones are from 2015 … That explains your problem and the messages from old drivers… The only thing left is to buy a more up-to-date card to run more up-to-date games with it to be able to… The CPU is getting on in years (from 2010) … So it's time for a new PC


And which driver is it then? )


The one with windows 10 64bit so the upper one


Did it work with that?


Haven't tried it yet, I tried from another comment first, but will try it now


Haha, i would like a newer pc, but i got this one from the school and tell my dad that with a new pc)