Does she have feelings for me? (Know her from the internet)?


Met a girl at the weekend (I know her through Minecraft) but she's really beautiful and we got along really well. We then had a drink together and then it happened that we cuddled, she kept stroking my hand and wanted to hold it. In the evening we had something to eat together and then walked to a tower. We stayed there overnight, at least when we were there we cuddled for a long time (almost 5 hours) but we just cuddled and she played with my hands the whole time. When it was later in the evening and we decided to go to sleep, I asked her for a good night kiss, but it was only very briefly on the cheek. In the morning we cuddled up again and she held my hand, even when we walked back to the train station, my hand was in her jacket pocket and we were just holding hands. When I said goodbye, I asked her for a kiss goodbye, I got that too (again on the cheek) and it was also very loving. When I wrote to her again during the train ride, in my opinion she had little interest in writing to me.

Now what I'm wondering, do you think she could have feelings for me? Because I like her very much and I could imagine more with her.


Wow sounds like a romantic love story or book

Definitely interested good luck