I wanted to know how many players the Minecraft Java Edition and how many players the Windows 10 Edition has, because I want to download Minecraft on my PC, but there are 2 game editions, which is why I wanted to know the number of both editions.
I bought both of them. I personally use the Minecraft for Windows 10 variant. I play Minecraft Java Edition with friends. Just watch what your friends are playing.
No matter what, take Java. You have a lot more mods, servers, texture packs, etc. And everything is free. In addition, the Java Edition comes with a lot fewer bugs and glitches than the Bedrock. If you want to play with other people, it is already on the Bedrock from 5 players, the only advantage, you can play with other people from mobile phones or Xbox. But whether it's worth it at the Laggs…
There are no exact numbers. The last official, around April 2020, is that Minecraft counts over 112 million players a month. But over both versions and all platforms.
The latest official sales of the Java Edition are between 35 and 40 million. However, this number is from 2018. For the Bedrock Edition it was 67 million at the time and for the console edition, which was still separate at the time, it was 57 million, that is 124 million to about 40 million.
Minecraft currently has sales of around 200 million.
It is not really possible to say which edition has more active players.
I say you're better off with the Java Edition.
The Minecraft JAva edition is played by significantly more people. There are also a lot more servers there. And in general, the Java Edition is much better.
I've owned almost all the editions of Minecraft, ranging in from MCPE, to Windows 10, to Java, to Xbox 360, and I can confirm that Java may be the best out of the bunch. You see, the reason Java is so much better than bedrock is because it's had more time to fix all the bugs that are in the game.