Can you also play online in Minecraft Java?


If I download Mincraft, I can play with other people online


Yes, if you download it but only on cracked servers. You have to buy Minecraft Java for I think 26 euro


Yes, this works via a third-party server (Hypixel, Griefergames; servers for private use from Nitrado, Aternos and Co.) or realms.


I don't check the answer, what do you mean by cracker server?


Yes, but if you want to play survival get the Bedrock version because you have to host or rent a server for Java to play lag-free. And hosting is a science in itself.


If you downloaded Minecraft for free, then only on a few servers

But if you've bought Minecraft, you can play on all servers or in the LAN


Yes, but if you want to play survival get the Bedrock version because you have to host or rent a server for Java to play lag-free.

This should be completely unnecessary unless you have very little RAM and / or a very slow CPU.


Cracked servers are servers where you don't need a premium account. Often visited by hack client users, because you can just get old with a non premium.
With cracked servers you almost always have to create a password when joining


Java is far better. Just because of the pvp aspect


Do that away from Java, and you will get your answer. Most of the servers are based on Java Edition


Yes it is


But on Bedrock it's easier to play in pairs