Assemble your own gaming PC - what should you watch out for?


I've been thinking about getting a gaming PC for a long time now. I've heard that it's more worthwhile if you buy the individual parts yourself and assemble the computer yourself. Unfortunately, I have no experience or knowledge of such things (i.e. Which parts are good and which are bad and how you can tell something). I wouldn't just use the computer for gaming, but it's the main reason I buy it because many of my friends like B. Play games on Steam or Minecraft.

What do I have to consider when buying? Do you have any suggestions or advice? The budget is around 1000 euro-1500 euro (is that enough for a reasonably fluid, future-proof, computer with good graphics?).

I thank you in advance for your answers.


You can't go wrong with building a computer - it's like building Lego.

take an amd 3600x, ne 3070 RTX, 16 gave RAM, ne ssd, matching mainboard, power supply, case ready.


The base must be correct. Mainboard, CPU and CPU cooler

Buy a gold power supply with a suitable amount of watts and connections, especially because of the graphics card

The rest is simply a question of price


The parts must all be compatible with each other. This website can help you:

Have fun!


Where do I get the 3070 from? If not steal?


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