Build swastika in Minecraft illegally?


Is it PROHIBITED to build swastikas or swastikas (= Swastika with 45 ° rotation) in Minecraft?

On a 2D map (= image), or as a 3D entity.

You can't draw them anywhere in real life - but what about the Internet or In Minecraft?


If you have enough space, you can also hang a 10x10 meter flag in the house. As long as it is not directly visible from the outside, no one can tell you what.

Have fun…

Edit *: On the Internet you can eigl it. Do not show, but many do. In Minecraft you can build whatever you want. Do not itch anyone.


Has a buddy of mine.

Right next to it the Soviet communism flag.


What is the "communism flag"? XD
Do you mean the soviet?


Enter Google, then you'll see.

I mean the Soviet, yes.


I have. And there are only Sovjetflaggen


At least in Germany, it is definitely prohibited. There's no difference between Swastikas and swastikas, which I finally understand, because some dull cheeks paint Swastikas even though they wanted to paint swastikas, but even too stupid are


It would have been thought that the Soviet flag (hammer and sickle) stands for communism and is therefore also called the Communist flag.

PS: It's still called "SoWjet".



I recently read on a house wall "1213", I died half laughing and no one except me has checked.


I've built it for a long time, just want to know if it was illegal to build it.

Next, I build the Soviet flag, guess that's not illegal.