Pork in MC?


It's a really serious question and not a fun question so please answer me seriously and not ironically, thanks!

Can I eat pork in Minecraft even if I'm a devout Muslim? Is it somewhere in the Kuran that pork is allowed in games?


Counter-question: Can't you kill anyone in first-person shooters because that's forbidden in real life?


Trick question! Severe Muslims are not allowed to play computer games because it is a waste of time.


You can also shoot people in a first person shooter, although in reality you are not allowed to. Of course you can eat pork in one game. It's not real meat and has nothing to do with your real person.


If you are so devout you should know the book and know what you are allowed to do. And if you don't know that, you should simply read the book again.


I'm not allowed to play egoshooter because my father is an imam and says that killing is haram because I once played gta and when he saw that he hit me


Strange reaction. The question from @ChristianLe is justified?


I'm a staunch pacifist and like to play CoD. I can distinguish, however, that I don't make real people hurt in the game.


But he is probably not at all if he doesn't even know how to write "Koran".


Explain to yourself and others: why were there no saddle pigs in the Orient? Why did goats and sheep graze there?


Legitimate objection! But he has to know himself what he is… And what he eats


OK. It was just a throw-in on my part. Of course, your counter question is completely legitimate.


Unfortunately, it's not as easy as you think. You Germans have a different perspective. But with us foreigners there's no youth welfare office. Especially since a youth welfare office only wants to destroy families. And I've seen them enjoy it.


Of course, not all youth welfare office employees are so sadistic. You can't throw them all in one pot. I also think, of course, that the Germans tick differently than foreigners. That doesn't mean that only foreigners beat their children. There are also enough Germans who do this. Unfortunately, however, it is firmly anchored in foreign culture as an educational method. You have to look at it that way. My father was hit by his father. I was hit by mine and I will not hit my son. Because it has to click and I will throw this tradition out of the family.


That's true. Nevertheless, I don't have the impression from the FS that religion is so important…


Teacher's daughter, pastor's cattle

rarely thrive - or never.

I understand if a teenager, as the son of an Imam, gets too much religious patronage and delimits himself.


I agree with you there too. Nice saying, I didn't know.