Macbook air 2018 fan loud?


Whenever I do something more complex with my Macbook, e.g. Play a game like Minecraft, the fan gets very loud very quickly, can you somehow turn the fan off or can you do something about it?


This is a Mac Book, not built in favor of the temperatures.

The fan is important and can't and should not be switched off, otherwise the system will overheat and lubricate, or there will be damage to the hardware!


No you can't. The MacBook Air is a disaster in terms of ventilation. This is due to the thin design.

If you don't want to use the part as a hob, you should start the fan.


Maybe your MacBook is very warm.

Take a little break and clean the fan.


This is normal because your MacBook is not for gaming

You can't turn it off because it would overheat your processor, etc.