So I have the following problem: I'm playing on the Minecraft Bedrock edition and am currently building a shop with command blocks, where you can also buy tree saplings, but then I noticed that you can only command the normal sapling (oak sapling) / give can add (/ give @p sapling), but not all the others, I tried everything but it was not possible… What I find very strange, maybe you know how it could work (via command)
Try the ID's
Use the numbers or type oak_sapling.
The individual seedlings in the Bedrock Edition have different "data values". These are simply numbers from 0 to 5, you can find them listed at the link above.
The data value is given with the give command after the amount. So e.g.
/ give @p sapling 1 2
To give a birch sapling to the next player.
This command works:
/ give @s sapling 1 2
The 1 stands for 1x seedling and the 2 stands for birch. The other IDs are listed here:
At Bedrock you have to put an ID behind the Sapling. This can be found on Munich websites such as:
Here you look for the Sapling you want, select it then a wiki should open, then scroll down to the Commands field and select PE, here you should then find the commands.
Nevertheless, I have summarized all of them for you here. If you need help, just tell me, I would be happy if you could help
/ Give commands:
Spruce Sapling: / give @p sapling 1 1
Dark Oak Sapling: / give @p sapling 1 5
Acacia Sapling: / give @p sapling 1 4
Birch Sapling: / give @p sapling 1 2
Lol just used the same example as i used x'D
You wrote "Munich websites" instead of "some websites". Touch up quickly while you still can!
Autocorrect hehehe 🤭: D