In your experience: is strip mining or looking for lava lakes and in caves better?
Well, StripMining is probably the most effective… You also often come across lava lakes. I see; however, the fastest method would be an X-Ray Texture Packet.
Strip mining is much easier and more profitable.
You can also dig to the sides in your passage then the chance of slides is even greater.
If you already have rockets and an elytra you can go to the forest estate there you can sometimes find diamond blocks in statues
: D
The best is probably StripMining, because during this time you can find lava very quickly. Through strip mining I found 21 slides in 100 blocks.
Neither nor. You should be digging passages. Approx. At level 8 (in 1.16). This means that you will find fewer diamonds per route, but significantly more per unit of time.
Height 12 could be even more effective because you are there above the lava level. Only the probability with the ceiling block decreases, between 5 and 12 diamonds are more common, but they are generated by 1-15.
Between 5 and 12 diamonds are more common, but 1-15 generate them.
Yes, but the probability is decreasing relatively quickly. On the other hand, it certainly makes sense to move above the lava level. Thanks for the hint. Well, from 1.17 the ore and sea generation underground will be completely turned upside down anyway ^^.
Just search on google: "Minecraft forest property rooms" there's a video from Tomato TV