400 euro gaming PC from HardwareDealz?


I would like to get a gaming PC in a few months, which should meet the following requirements:

-1080p resolution and around 50-60 FPS in the following games: Rocket League, Fortnite, Paladins, Minecraft and Move or Die. (since these are not games with real graphics, I'm assuming that it will work out that way)

-not very loud and above all it shouldn't get too hot in the room (I wouldn't let it run for 10 hours at a time, but rather up to 3 hours, usually only 1-2)

-Retrofittable, although I'm not so sure about the point myself, but this was recommended to me in various forums and on YouTube, because otherwise I could almost get a new PC if a part is out of date / breaks or if there's not enough space in the hard disk

-Price budget would be around 400 euro, maybe 450 euro

- it should be fast (I mean that it doesn't take 15 minutes to start, for example, that any minor Windows or game updates would be quick [I realize that it takes a little longer for an 80GB game, I can in Buy] and that it loads websites quickly in Chrome)

-good RAM and RAM values (I don't have any exact details, I think that a few semi-experts are certain to know what is "good")

Well, in one of the videos from the YouTube channel "HardwareDealz", which is often recommended on the Internet, I found a PC to build myself for around 400 euro. Does it meet the requirements or are there a few "hooks"?

Link of the YouTube video:

In the video description his own website is also given, there could be information again

Thanks for reading and I hope for helpful answers!


There's a stretchable concept! A lot can change in a few months, at the moment I wouldn't build anything in the price range.


So would you rather wait? Or how exactly do you mean?


Yop, not long, but wait!